COVID-19 Precautions: This appreciation shooting event will be held in the great outdoors, where socially distanced activity will occur naturally. We also ask that attendees use caution and honor a 6 ft. distance.
We suggest that attendees bring masks to wear should there be a need to gather where social distancing isn't possible. We will also provide hand sanitizer stations, but encourage attendees to also have their own sanitizer as an additional precaution.
Registration processes will change somewhat from prior years, we ask that only team captains visit the registration area to limit crowding. Raffle prize sign-ups will be pre-printed and given to team captains to drop in appropriate drawing boxes to limit crowding.
Meals will not be served buffet style as in previous years; pork loin and prime rib meals will be distributed to individual attendees.
This information will be updated as necessary prior to the day of events.